Will rides a bike down a hill, what happens next shocked the world


If you guys didn’t know, I fall under the umbrella of straight edge, but I don’t claim to be straight edge. I don’t do so because I don’t know if in five years if I’ll want to take some mushrooms, smoke some weed or even do some DMT. Hell, I don’t know if I’ll want to do that tomorrow. DMT is an interesting drug, if you’re reading this, you’ve probably heard Joe Rogan talk about it endlessly. There’s many common stories people come back with after a DMT trip, one of those is they say they speak to “the creator.” As someone who’s an atheist but I do recognize that the world is a very complex place that we don’t know much about. There could be a “god” in the form of an energy or something abstract that we can’t even comprehend. I view this video as the person on the tree is the creator. The creator takes a passive part in people’s life and let’s them live.

If you notice, he’s CERTAIN he’s dying when he says “I’m dying.” Then he looks over and sees the creator, sitting on a log, not doing anything, then you sense some doubt in his voice, questioning himself, his own words as he cries out “help me…?” It’s at this point that he realizes that the creator will not only sit there not offering help to him when he needs it most, but he also realizes that no matter what he does in life, he’ll always be dying. He’s come to the realization that’s he’s just a mortal when coming face to face with god.


When I first watched this clip I found it to be quite hilarious, but upon further investigation I have to say, something strange is afoot here. First off, I don’t think this kid is really dying. He could have some mild road rash, but that’s about it. As far as I know there has never been a death attributed to mild road rash. Second off, notice how when he slides the bike is facing the left side of the screen but as the camera turns to find him under the tree his bike is facing the right. Seems like there might have been a stunt man riding the bike off of the jump and then an actor waiting underneath the tree to deliver the “I’m dying… help me” line. If you’re a 9/11 truther I’d love it if you could do some further analysis and get back to me at [email protected].


I can picture Will and his nameless friend walking up and down the spine of the hill, discussing logistics and Will’s ability to land the fearsome jump that he’s about to take at relatively high speeds. Both boys grimace and nod, their earnest assessment of the path complete. The cameraman climbs a tree and straddles a branch, readies his phone-camera into a position that shall capture the video in the correct aspect ratio, and then the mark is given.

Will leans heavily into that first pedal. That first push is always the toughest. He’s done this in his head so many times. He’s gaining speed now. 
“Here’s Will, coming down the spine of the hill.”
Will hears his friend’s voice just over the jump. There’s no going back now, his speed is too great. 
Will is airborne. My God does he feel alive, if only for just that second. In the air he’s eternal. An adonis. Anyone but himself. He’s an eagle with a dinner between his talons, blood dripping from a heaven that only he knows.
Then he bails kind of hard.
Will cries for help as he feels his very soul leaving his body. But is he in fact, dying? How cruel is fortuna to juxtapose Will’s fleeting immortality with his imminent death? Or perhaps, has Will only now truly realized the meaning of life? 
We’re all dying. No one lives forever. Maybe Will flew too close to the sun. His cries of pain with a mouthful of woodchips was just the catalyst for him to realize that every day we are one step closer to death, and in that, Will truly becomes free.
Published on June 22, 2014 at 8:10 pm
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