I’m sure by now all of you MiddleEasy readers know how much I abhor eating any fast food, or even animal products. People are just killing themselves with every bite, and if you tell them that, they’ll rush to justify how their own horrible diet is actually benefiting their health. If you guys want to die early and be plagued with heart disease and cancer, feel free to eat all the Double Whoppers and smoke a pack of Marlboros a day. The problem with the country’s health system isn’t ‘Obamacare.’ Not at all. It’s the morons that intentionally damage their health and then cost tax payers billions a year just to treat them. The problem isn’t some omnipotent and shadowy government healthcare system. The problem is you.
Well, the real problem is this guy that goes by the ‘LA Beast’ and his desire to meet the stringent demands of Burger King. Apparently the fast-food chain issued a challenge for anyone to eat every burger they had on their menu, and this LA Beast guy did it — while wearing a shock collar. Check it out.