MMA Top Lists

The Top Ten Marijuana Stories in MMA History

  When he was in Punahou High School in Honolulu, Barack Obama was a member of the ‘Choom Gang’ — which consisted of an international crew of kids that used to smoke as much marijuana as humanly possible. I don’t think you guys understand. Whatever amount you have in your head, they smoked astronomically higher.

The Top Ten Features That Should Be in EA UFC But Probably Won’t Be

With the recent news that EA UFC is getting pushed back to March of 2014 at the earliest, speculation is rampant on the subject of what will or won’t be in the game. Rather than wax poetic on what could be in next year’s most anticipated game, the decision has been made in the MiddleEasy

The Top Ten Things We Wish MMA Fans Would Stop Doing

The Top Ten Things We Wish MMA Fans Would Stop Doing

You guys are what the sport lives for. Ravenous individuals that will stop at nothing to support everything MMA. You bleed MMA, then take your blood and mix it into an MMA shake. Always remember that without you, mixed martial arts would never exist. Sure people would practice it in small dojos across the country,

The Top Ten WTF Moments of 2012

  In this universe, items and scenarios are presented to us as an entire entity, unphased by civilization’s lack of understanding. Human understanding is not a requisite for something to sit firmly in this world and make your mind explode whenever you attempt to comprehend it. Sometimes objects will just leave you isolated, trapped in

Check out The Top Ten Hallway MMA Fights in Hallway MMA Fight History

Who knew there would be another Street MMA subgenre that we have yet to discover until now? Yes, Street MMA begat Denny’s MMA, which in turn birthed Train Fights and on and on into Street MMA subgenre history. Now, ladies and gentlemen, we witness a collection of the latest ferocious offspring of Street MMA –

Top Ten MiddleEasy Hate Comments from our Braulio Estima Video

[Expletive] happens. When it happens on your carpet, there’s nothing you can really do about it aside from plug your nose and use as many toxic solvents as possible to clean it up. When it happens on an MMA site, the best thing you can do is absorb it as a part of your reality

Watch our third installment of The Top Ten Audience Reactions in MMA!

It’s been nearly a year and a half since the last installment of MiddleEasy’s Top Ten Audience Reactions, and since then we’ve experienced a plethora of soul sucking and life giving MMA around the world. The time is long overdue to catch up with the memorable performances of the last year that took place outside

MiddleEasy’s Guide to the Top Ten Memes in MMA

There is no definitive explanation for what a meme is, some say a meme is a moment in time that is captured by video or photography, later taken by ‘the internet’ and morphed into a Frankenstein’s monster of it’s original self. Topical, thought provoking, controversial and always funny, memes are part of the reason why

The Top Ten Diaz Brothers Middle Fingers in MMA History

  The middle finger is a form of currency in the 209. If arthritis ever hit Stockton, California, the entire economy would collapse. In the 209, commodities are purchased with either one middle finger, or two — depending on the value of the item. If you purchase anything in Stockton, California that’s more than two

The Top Ten Train Fights in Train Fight History

We never expected another brand of Street MMA, but after searching the web for the newest and freshest fights we stumbled upon one of the most incredible sub genres of the Street MMA style we have ever witnessed. Ladies and gentleman, I’m proud to announce that Street MMA officially has a cousin and it’s name

The Top Ten Alterations to MMA History That 100% Occurred in a Parallel Universe

The Parallel Universe Theory dictates the current universe we reside in is surrounded by a seemingly infinite amount of other universes, all filled with a seemingly infinite amount of possibilities. In short, whatever combination of actions that accumulate into a scenario can be found in at least one parallel universe. We don’t know how to