MMA News

Michelle Waterson and all the other hotties

So I woke up in a frantic this morning thinking about Michelle Waterson. If aliens landed on the white house lawn right now it still wouldn’t be as exciting as knowing that this chick –> mounts other chicks in the cage…with hot pants on. In fact, if I were ever trapped as a POW, in between

Urijah Faber vs. Shinobi…MMA Rules

Some of you may say it’s unfair to have a sega videogame character go toe to toe with former WEC champ Urijah Faber. But, in actuality, it’s unfair for Shinobi to feel the motherfriggin onslaught of Urijah Faber. Alright, forget about the Mike Brown lost last year in which he lost his title to a

Lashley can beat transformers

Bobby Lashley can defeat any Decepticon or Autobot known to man. This hasn’t been scientifically tested, but my hypothesis is Optimus Prime doesn’t have shit on Bobby Lashley. If Bobby Lashley were an autobot, he would transform into a hydrogen bomb with the words ‘Bad Ass Motherfucker’ engraved on the side and just bully entire

Lashley can beat transformers

Bobby Lashley can defeat any Decepticon or Autobot known to man. This hasn’t been scientifically tested, but my hypothesis is Optimus Prime doesn’t have shit on Bobby Lashley. If Bobby Lashley were an autobot, he would transform into a hydrogen bomb with the words ‘Bad Ass Motherfucker’ engraved on the side and just bully entire

Super Terrific Cuties…enough said

My mom always said when the ‘Super Terrific Cuties‘ come, you better protect your neck. Yeah, she’s a big Wu-Tang fan, but that’s beyond the point. Pancarase (a fighting organization based in Japan,you should know this! ) has an amazing array of ring card girls they call the ‘Super Terrific Cuties’. I friggin love Japan for

Antencio vs. White…Dana wouldnt do it

It took a few hours to write this because I was mesmerized by Michelle Waterson getting out of bed over and over…and over again in the article below. Wow, that’s what we live for. Anyway, Tom Antencio (head guy over at Affliction) has been calling out Dana White (UFC) elementary school playground style to a

Rosie Sexton vs. Michelle Waterson! Yeah!

What elements of this universe must be aligned for this fight to happen? Of those of you that don’t know, the chick on the left can submit you in less than 30 seconds and you would enjoy every moment of it. In fact, 3 out 4 of Michelle ‘The Karate Hottie’ Waterson’s wins have come from

Tapout crew added to UFC Undisputed 2009

Here’s another reason for me to call in sick on May 19th. THQ announced this week that they are going to include all three of those Tapout cats including, of course, your boy the late and great Mask. For those of you who havent played the demo thats been going around Xbox Live, get it!.

Miesha Tate is smoking hot and fighting next week

Raise your hand if you like hot chicks. Ok, now raise your hand if you know who Miesha Tate is. No hands up? Well ok, if I tell you Miesha Tate is a hot chick that mounts other chicks in tight hot pants…Now raise your hand if you want to see Miesha Tate fight next

Jose Canseco can take all the roids he wants.

This may be old news to some but I’m still in a state of sheer WTFness. As you probably know (and if you don’t cover your walls with plastic because your head is going to explode out of complete amazement), Jose Canseco has been signed to fight Hong Man Choi in the Japanese MMA event

Jose Canseco can take all the roids he wants.

This may be old news to some but I’m still in a state of sheer WTFness. As you probably know (and if you don’t cover your walls with plastic because your head is going to explode out of complete amazement), Jose Canseco has been signed to fight Hong Man Choi in the Japanese MMA event

Shaq Disel coming to MMA…and wants Chuck Liddell

They say that in prison if you want to gain the admiration of all the convicts, you should fight the baddest motherfucker in the cell block. While the Iceman isnt necessarily the baddest anymore (KO’d 3 times in his past 4 fights) he undoubtedly is the most known MMA fighter out there. But Shaq Disel

Pancrase on HDNet…pretty please?

By now HDNet is like my second dad. Except he never told me that I threw a football like “a school girl who did the walk of shame the morning after her prom’. I never knew what that meant, but its probably one of those emotional scars that will cost me thousands in therapy to

Sengoku girls are stalking me

Once again yo, I can’t read Japanese. So I’m assuming that on the Sengoku girls website, everything written on that site is referring to how much they want me to give them all babies. And I’m cool with, honestly, as long as I don’t have to pay child support or listen to their mothers tell

Roy Jones vs. Nick Diaz! Yeah!

Just when you thought Roy Jones was out the picture, in a moment of sheer fucking awesomeness, Nick Diaz says that he’ll go toe to toe with Roy Jones Jr. in an MMA event! Sit back in your chair, close your eyes and imagine the amount of shit talking that would occur during this fight.

Roy Jones Jr. vs. Anderson Silva CONFIRMED…Oh wait, not really

Roy Jones Jr confirmed that he will be willing to fight Anderson Silva using MMA Rules. You would think holy f, this bout may be the most explosive bout this year sans Lesnar vs. Mir! But Dana White murdered the that warm and fuzzy thought you just got by saying something along the lines of