Coming off a frustrating defeat to Dmitry Bivol in May, Canelo Alvarez was looking to get back to winning ways in his trilogy bout against Gennady Golovkin.
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin 3
Round 1: GGG kicks things off with a jab. Canelo moves around and measures distance with his jabs. A long looping right hook at the body of GGG. Canelo stepping in with his lead left hand. Nice slip from Canelo. Canelo blitzes in and grazes past GGG. Canelo on the front foot here with high pressure. Golovkin
Round 2: GGG and Canelo in the middle, and Canelo explodes with a left hook and misses. Good distance control from GGG to avoid Canelo’s one-two. Canelo with a nice jab. Another jab from Canelo. Canelo aggressively walking GGG down. Nice overhand right from Canelo helps close the distance. Nice double jab right hand from GGG.
Round 3: Canelo starting to heat up. An onslaught of punches from Canelo increase the pressure on Golovkin, who’s struggling to keep up with Canelo’s speed. Canelo steps in with a stinging straight left that has GGG backing up. GGG on the outside avoiding the pressing of Canelo. Canelo with a jab. Canelo is still on the front foot here to close the round.
Round 4: Canelo making good work of the body. Canelo lands multiple overhand rights mixed in with left hooks on the body of Golovkin. Nice left hook by Canelo. GGG having a hard time finding the power shots. Another left hook by Canelo.
Round 5: Canelo stepping on the pedal here. High pressure from Canelo keeps GGG unable to cause much damage up till now. Canelo lands another combination to the body. Nice jab before blitzing in with a shot to the body by Canelo. Canelo aiming for the left bicep of Golovkin. Nice shot by GGG. Canelo is dictating the pace of this fight. Nice left hook by Canelo. A right to the body by Canelo has GGG off balance. A huge overhand right from Canelo shook GGG.
Round 6: Canelo opens aggressive. Golovkin tries to close in and Canelo fires a jab. A power shot by Golovkin, Canelo rolls with it. Nice left to the body of GGG. Canelo with a nice jab to pop Golovkin’s head back. Golovkin has cut back on the volume.
Round 7: Canelo comes out firing again. Good right cross by Canelo. GGG moving on the outside but conservative with his strikes. Canelo connects with a right hand. GGG is in defensive mode, and Canelo trying to land more combos here before the bell.
Round 8: Strong left to the arm of GGG. Now Golovkin is on the inside but isn’t taking any chances as he tries some light strikes. Canelo switches up the pace to connect with combinations to the body and head. Nice jab from Golovkin. Nice straight left from Canelo. Golovkin is backing Canelo up and Canelo comes back with pressure. More body shots by Canelo.
Round 9: Golovkin tries a higher output from the get-go this round. Canelo is not backing down. Both men in the middle of the ring trading strikes before moving away. Nice uppercut from Canelo and then another nice overhand. Canelo connects with a one-two. Golovkin finally lets his hands go. A combination from GGG moves Canelo back. Nice right from Golovkin. Canelo against the ropes. A heavy right hand from Canelo in the middle of the ring. Nice straight left to the body by Canelo.
Round 10: Golovkin and Canelo get to work. GGG is letting his hands go now as they start getting into more exchanges around the ring. Nice left hook from Golovkin. Body shot by Canelo draws a reaction from GGG. Golovkin with an uppercut in close quarters. Canelo grazes GGG’s forehead with an uppercut. Triple jab from GGG.
Round 11: Golovkin peppering in light strikes to touch Canelo. Good straight left from GGG to stop Canelo from blitzing in. Good uppercut from Golovkin. Alvarez going back against the ropes, more defensive. Dirty boxing here in the clinch. Canelo lands one to the body.
Round 12: Alvarez with a nice short right hook. Both men close to trade strikes. Good uppercut by Golovkin gets through. GGG trying to make it dirty with strikes in the clinch, initiating it multiple times. Good jab from GGG. Golovkin goes for the clinch again and again. Canelo gets out and another clinch by GGG. Nice jab by Canelo countered by getting in the clinch again. Nice left uppercut to the body by Golovkin.
Result: Canelo Alvarez defeated Gennady Golovkin via unanimous decision (116-112, 115-113, 115-113).
You can watch the highlights below:
Watch #CaneloGGG3 | Live on (excl. MX, KZ & LATAM) | DAZN PPV in US, CA, UK, IRE, AUS & NZ
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) September 18, 2022
GGG gets instructions from Johnathon Banks 👂
Watch #CaneloGGG3 | Live on (excl. MX, KZ & LATAM) | DAZN PPV in US, CA, UK, IRE, AUS & NZ
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) September 18, 2022
GGG is starting to feel that Canelo pressure 😳
Watch #CaneloGGG3 | Live on (excl. MX, KZ & LATAM) | DAZN PPV in US, CA, UK, IRE, AUS & NZ
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) September 18, 2022
All Canelo through 6… can GGG mount a comeback? 👀
Watch #CaneloGGG3 | Live on (excl. MX, KZ & LATAM) | DAZN PPV in US, CA, UK, IRE, AUS & NZ
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) September 18, 2022
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) September 18, 2022
Canelo and GGG embrace in the middle of the ring 👏#CaneloGGG3
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) September 18, 2022