To close out 2020 in style, the pound for pound king is back. Saul Canelo Alvarez (53-1-2) makes the move to super-middleweight to challenge for yet another title. After proving that he could take down bigger opponents with his knockout victory over light heavyweight champion Sergei Kovalev, Alvarez looks to assert himself as the best fighter at 168lbs. To do so, he’ll have to defeat the WBA champion, Callum Smith (27-0). Both fighters will also be fighting for the vacant WBC super-middleweight title.
Round 1
Here we go! Both fighters come out in the orthodox position and you can clearly see the massive height difference between both fighters. The first few seconds serve as a feeling-out process. Smith strikes first with a body shot. Alvarez goes high after a feint to the body. He starts opening up as the round goes by and looks to be aggressive. Smith has success with the jab but can’t build off of it. Alvarez lands a nice jab as the bell rings at the end of the first round.
10-9 Alvarez
Round 2
Nice jab from Alvarez snaps Smith’s head back. Alvarez follows that up with a body shot and Smith finds success with his jab. Alvarez is the aggressor in the fight, he lands left hook but Smith blocks the right hand. Alvarez keeps coming forward and lands a body shot. Alvarez lands a nice strong jab once again and he looks very comfortable so far.
10-9 Alvarez
Round 3
Left hook barely misses for Alvarez. Smith gets countered with a left hand. Alvarez keeps pushing forward and Smith lands a nice short uppercut before eating a right hand from Alvarez. Nice jab from Alvarez, he effortlessly pushes Smith backward. Nice left hand to the body from Alvarez followed by a jab and a right hand. One-two lands for Alvarez, Smith comes back with a combination but misses on most punches. End of the round.
10-9 Alvarez
Round 4
Nice jab lands for Smith as he tries to keep Alvarez at bay. Nice right hand lands for Alvarez followed by a body shot. Alvarez is out-jabbing Smith so far, he lands a nice left hook to the body and keeps walking Smith down. Smith lands a short uppercut but Alvarez doesn’t seem phased at all. Good combination lands for Alvarez, he follows it up with a nice uppercut.
10-9 Alvarez
Round 5
Smith comes out aggressively in this round. Nice jab from Alvarez who then shows some nice head movement. Hard hook to the body lands for Alvarez. Smith lands to the body but can’t keep Alvarez off of him. Alvarez keeps targeting the body and goes up to the head when Smith goes low. Nice short uppercut gets in for Alvarez.
10-9 Alvarez
Round 6
Alvarez lands to the body early. Big right hand lands for Alvarez, he then makes Smith miss with a right hand. Alvarez keeps walking Smith down but he eats a jab in the process. Alvarez pushes through it and lands to the body. Another body shot lands for Alvarez. Incredible head movement from Alvarez, his defense has been on point tonight.
10-9 Alvarez
Round 7
Midway through the fight so far Alvarez is in cruise control. Smith’s punches get blocked by Alvarez. Smith lands flush to the body but eats a jab right after. Big body shot from Alvarez, followed by a nice jab. Alvarez’s jab allows him to set up a nice uppercut. Big right hand from Alvarez with Smith in the ropes. Alvarez lands a long right hand before clinching.
10-9 Alvarez
Round 8
Alvarez keeps pressuring Smith and he goes to the body. Nice lead uppercut lands for Alvarez, he then counters Smith’s jab with a left hook. Nice combination from Smith. Right hand lands for Alvarez. Smith comes back with a good right hand but he eats one from Alvarez. Uppercut from Alvarez rattles Smith. Snapping jab by Alvarez who keeps pressuring and lands to the body.
10-9 Alvarez
Round 9
Big right hand lands right away for Alvarez. He then lands an uppercut and Smith seems to be bleeding from his nose. Big body shots land for Alvarez, he’s relentless. Smith fires back but Alvarez backs him up again. Alvarez hurts Smith with a hard right hand. Smith fights back but Alvarez keeps moving forward. Uppercuts and jabs have been Alvarez’s money shots. Alvarez hurts Smith to the body as the round ends.
10-8 Alvarez
Round 10
Alvarez smells blood and looks to attack immediately. Big body shots from Alvarez followed by a big right hand. Alvarez is punishing Smith to the body. Smith lands a body shot but east one from Alvarez. Nice head movement from Alvarez, he then attacks Smith’s body. Hard right hand by Alvarez and a body shot at the end of the round.
10-9 Alvarez
Round 11
Alvarez keeps pressuring Smith but this time Smith fires back off the rope. Big body shot lands for Alvarez followed by left hook. Right hand gets through for Alvarez, Smith fights back but Alvarez lands to the body. Nice jab from Alvarez who then unleashes with a combination. Nice jab from Alvarez as the round ends.
10-9 Alvarez
Round 12
Final round and Alvarez comes out firing, he’s trying to go for the knockout. Smith is eating some big punches in this round. Nice right-hand lands to the body for Alvarez. Smith tries to clinch but Alvarez lands a big body shot. Big right-hand lands for Alvarez, he keeps stalking Smith as the fight comes to an end.
10-9 Alvarez
Official results: Canelo Alvarez defeats Callum Smith by unanimous decision. (119-109×2; 117-111)
Check the highlights below:
Canelo's head movement continues to amaze 💯
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) December 20, 2020
Callum Smith had to laugh after Canelo dodged his punches in the 12th Round 😂
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) December 20, 2020
Canelo busted out the golf swing 😂
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) December 20, 2020
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) December 20, 2020