Coming off a win in her last outing, Ilima-Lei Macfarlane took on Kana Watanabe in the co-main event of Bellator 295 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Bellator 295: Ilima-Lei Macfarlane vs Kana Watanabe
Round 1
Macfarlane moves back against the lead hand threat of Watanabe. Nice straight right from Macfarlane and a left hand. Macfarlane steps in with a right. Watanabe grapples and pins her against the cage. Nice takedown defense by Macfarlane. Watanabe stays on the back. Macfarlane reverses to the front again. Watanabe trips her down and gets an arm submission. Macfarlane gets out and back to their feet. Nice right hand from Macfarlane. 1-2 from Macfarlane on the step in. Another right gets through for Macfarlane. Cracking right hand from Macfarlane. Watanabe lands a left, eats a right. Watanabe shoots and takes her down. Macfarlane gets back to her feet. Watanabe takes the back.
Round 2
Macfarlane lands an uppercut on the step in. Watanabe blitzes in and eats a big counter left. Watanabe shoots and settles to pin Macfarlane off the fence. Watanabe gets her down. Macfarlane back to her feet. The fight goes back to the ground. Watanabe on top. She has Macfarlane wrapped in side control. Macfarlane gets up momentarily before being taken down again. Watanabe on top in full guard. She unloads strikes from top. Macfarlane pulls her closer to cut off the punches.
Round 3
Macfarlane steps in with a right hand. Watanabe gos to grapple and gets her against the cage. Macfarlane does well to defend the takedown and trip attempts. Watanabe gets her down but not in a favorable position. They continue grappling as Macfarlane gets up again. Watanabe keeps her grappling pressure up, and ends the round pinning Macfarlane off the fence.
Official Result: Ilima-Lei Macfarlane defeats Kana Watanabe by a split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28).
Check out the highlights below:
A dangerous moment for @ilimanator as @KanaWatanabe821 grabs the arm! #Bellator295 | LIVE NOW | @SHOsports
— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) April 23, 2023
👊 @KanaWatanabe821 shoots in for the takedown.#Bellator295 | LIVE NOW | @SHOsports
— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) April 23, 2023
Those hands from @ilimanator!#Bellator295 | LIVE NOW | @SHOsports
— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) April 23, 2023
It's @KanaWatanabe821 in control here!#Bellator295 | LIVE NOW | @SHOsports
— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) April 23, 2023