Bellator 284: Neiman Gracie vs. Goiti Yamauchi
Round 1
Yamauchi takes a kick to the body. Gracie connects with an overhand right. Yamauchi is on the back foot by the pressure. They get in clinch. Yamauchi lands a big straight left. Yamauchi enters in with another big left. Another big left straight to the face by Yamauchi. Gracie working off his jab now. Yamauchi clips Gracie with a counter right and jab. Yamauchi gets the takedown and takes side control. Gracie pushes him off and gets up. Gracie lands a jab. Yamauchi misses rushing in. Stance change from Yamauchi. Yamauchi stings him with a jab. Nice level change for a body shot to Gracie. Gracie fires back to the face.
Round 2
Gracie on the front foot here resuming the pressure. Yamauchi staying composed as opposed to the high volume Gracie. Yamauchi catches Gracie’s kick and Gracie tumbles down to the mat. Yamauchi kicks Gracie’s leg. Gracie touches Yamauchi with an upkick. Yamauchi lets him back up. Gracie eats a left hook and a kick. Yamauchi the more efficient striker here. Yamauchi throws Gracie to the mat in a judo style throw. Up kick from Gracie grazes Yamauchi. Yamauchi fires a counter jab. Gracie with a series of jabs. Yamauchi lures Gracie in by dropping his guard and then dropped Gracie with an uppercut.
Official Result: Goiti Yamauchi defeats Neiman Gracie via KO (R2, 3:58).
Check out the highlights below:
Advantage, Yamauchi!#Bellator284 is live on @SHOsports.
— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) August 13, 2022
.@GoitiOfficial trying to find a way through.#Bellator284 is live on @SHOsports.
— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) August 13, 2022
𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣 🤯@GoitiOfficial may have the most submissions in Bellator history, but that doesn’t mean he can’t hang on the feet!
A spectacular finish to #Bellator284 live on @SHOsports.
— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) August 13, 2022